Publications > Case History PyxisGC BTEX – Comparing a new technology with a proven one
Case History PyxisGC BTEX – Comparing a new technology with a proven one
ARPA Puglia carries out the air quality monitoring thanks to the Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network fixed stations, implementing campaigns with mobile laboratories and additional sampling tools. Given the recent years’ technological advances, ARPA Puglia is keener to include smarter technologies for the application of more efficient and effective monitoring networks.
In order to monitor the BTEX presence in ambient air, ARPA Puglia carried out a measurement and monitoring operation in parallel with PyxisGC BTEX and GC 866 Chromatotec, where they were both installed inside an air quality cabin which is located in Taranto, Via Alto Adige, in an area where the pollution level is mainly influenced by emissions from neighboring roads, with medium-high traffic flows.

Read the Case History to find out more about the experience of ARPA Puglia with PyxisGC BTEX in Taranto!